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French Cheeses

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Beaufort, Extra Vieux

Beaufort, Extra Vieux


This huge mountain cheese is matured for eighteen months to produce a fruity, hazelnut flavour and a smooth, creamy, buttery paste. It is similar to a Swiss Gruyère. A whole cheese weighs up to 60kg and has a distinctive concave edge.
£4.20 per 100g

Bleu d'Auvergne

Bleu d'Auvergne


Created by an Augergnian peasant farmer after seeing the famous Roquefort commanding high prices at the markets. A creamy full-flavoured blue.
£3.00 per 100g

Bleu des Causses

Bleu des Causses

Rouergue, Les Causses

More assertive than Bleu d'Auvergne since it is blued with Penicillium roquefortii rather than Penicillium glaucum . It is a cow's milk version of Roquefort, matured in the caves of Les Causses.

£3.20 per 100g

Brie de Meaux Donge

Brie de Meaux Donge

Ile de France

A fabulous, full-flavoured Brie with a plump, smooth paste.
£3.20 per 100g




One of the most famous of all cheeses but relatively young by French standards - a mere 285 years old. The rind is creamy-white and the paste is plump and pale-golden with a full flavour.

Camembert au Calvados

Camembert au Calvados


A peeled Camembert coated in breadcrumbs and marinated in the local Calvados (apple brandy).




Chaource has a delicate, nutty flavour and a creamy texture which melts in the mouth like snow. It has a white, fluffy coat.
£3.80 per 100g

Chevre Premier De Moulis

Chevre Premier De Moulis

Pyrenees, France

Produced in the Pyrenees in France, this is a hard delicate goat’s cheese, aged for around 6 - 9 months.
£4.70 per 100g

Comté Extra Vieux

Comté Extra Vieux

Sweeter and nuttier than Beaufort, this very mature Comte is complex and fruity with a firm, slightly granular bite, and gentle acidity. £4.00 per 100g

Delice de Bourgogne

Delice de Bourgogne


A firm, triple-cream cheese with a rich flavour. Excellent when served warm.
£3.10 per 100g

Epoisses, Individual 250g cheese

Epoisses, Individual 250g cheese

Bourgogne, Lyonnais

Washing in the local Marc produces a bright-orange, sticky rind, a pungent flavour and lively aroma. Creamy and almost liquid when mature. Individual 250g cheese.

Fourme d'Ambert

Fourme d'Ambert


A tall, cylindrical, creamy-white cheese marbled with dark, blue-green veining. The paste is smooth and fairly moist, tasting quite rich and tangy but not too bitter. A fourme is the name given to the mould which shapes the cheese and Ambert is the town around which the cheese is made.
£2.80 per 100g

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