Spencer cheese selection contains the following:
the contents of this selection which is suitable for vegetarians
Chaource has a delicate, nutty flavour and a creamy texture which
melts in the mouth like snow. It hasa white fluffy coat.
Mature Manchego
Made form the milk of the La Mancha sheep, it has a firm, ivory
paste and a piquant flavour.
Comte Extra Vieux
This Comte Extra Vieux is 32 months old and has a sweet nutty flavour
and creamy texture.
Norbury Blue
The newest cheese in our shop and the closet produced cheese to
Teddington. The only Blue Cheese produced in or around London and
the South East. A rich creamy blue cheese is a wonderful addition
to our range.
A strong, spicy, orange-brown cheese shaped like a sunken drum.
Its paste is rich and smooth and has a pungent aroma.
A truncated-pyramid shape with a blue-grey surface covered with wood ash.
Ripened for about a month, the paste is smooth and white with a delicate,
but not overpowering, goaty flavour.
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